Registered Charity Number: 1031164
Email: preschool@longthorpe.org.uk
Longthorpe Preschool has been established since July 1972 and is a registered charity. We are managed by a voluntary management committee made up of parents and carers of the children attending the preschool and members of the local community.
The preschool expanded in January 2013 and now consists of two preschool sites and a breakfast and afterschool club.
Our site at the Village Hall welcomes children from the age of 2 years and is a ‘pack away’ setting at Longthorpe Village Hall in the centre of Longthorpe. We are open Tuesdays to Thursdays 09:00 – 15:00, term time only.
The Upper Preschool opened in January 2013 in new accommodation connected to Longthorpe Primary School. This site takes children from the age of 3, for their final preschool year before starting primary school the following September. Opening the new site has enabled us to expand our capacity and reduce our waiting list. The Upper Preschool is open Monday – Friday 09:00 – 15.00, term time only.
Our Out of Hours Clubs – Breakfast and Afterschool – use the Upper Preschool’s room before and after the sessions and admits children of Longthorpe Primary School and the children of the School site preschool.
Longthorpe Preschool’s philosophy is to help and support each child to enjoy and achieve. Staff are qualified and experienced to support each child’s individual development through activities and experiences underpinned by the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We are proud of our links with parents and the local community which has been maintained by good communication from all staff and the Management Committee.
The day to day operation of the preschool is managed by the preschool manager and supported by a deputy at each site in line with current legislation which is in accordance with the settings policies and procedures and the EYFS. The manager’s position is also supported by Early Years Advisors.
Children can start from the age of 2 years. Many families on a low income can get 2 year old funding, see www.peterborough.gov.uk/FreeForTwos to see if you qualify.
All children are entitled to 15 hours of free preschool education from term following their 3rd birthday.
If both parents work, you may be eligible to 30 hours free, check www.peterborough.gov.uk/30hoursfree to find out.
If you do not receive free hours, or if you would like to top up with extra sessions, including Breakfast Club and After School Club sessions, invoices are prepared monthly.
To keep in touch with our parents we use Famly online system. You will receive a log-on when your child starts at Preschool. Your child’s key person will share observations on your child’s learning on a regular basis, and we also use this to send out notices and messages to parents. If you have any difficulty accessing the system, please speak to your child’s key person.